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List of Abbreviations
abl. |
Ablative |
abu. |
Abusive |
acc. |
Accusive |
adj. |
adjective |
adv. |
adverb |
Ar. |
Arabic language |
AS. |
Aliyasantaana kattuda guttu – by Satyamitra Bangera. |
b. |
Brahmin dialect |
b1. |
Sivalli Brahmin dialect |
b2 |
Siva Brahmin dialect |
bab. |
baby talk |
bel. |
belief |
Bh. |
Srii Bhagavato (Ed. Venktataraja Puninchattaya) |
Bib. |
Bible |
Br. |
Brahuiu language |
Br. |
Brahmin community |
c |
common dialect (of Bunt, Billava, Mogaveera and communities other than Brahmin, Jain, Harijan, & Tribal) |
c1 |
Bunts dialect |
c2 |
Billava dialect |
c3 |
Mogaveera dialect |
card. |
cardinal numeral |
CD. |
Coomana Dudi. (Tr. K. Jattappa Rai) |
comb. |
combination/comgined |
conj. |
conjugated form |
dat. |
dative |
dem. |
demonstrative |
der. |
derogatory |
e.g. |
example gratia (for example) |
echo. |
echo word |
emph. |
emphatic |
Eng. |
English language |
esp. |
especially |
etc. |
etcetera |
F. |
Formal speech |
Fem./fem. |
Femenine |
fig. |
figurative |
fs. |
floksong |
ft. |
folktale |
Ga. |
Gadba language |
Gd. |
goondolu (by Amritha someshwara) |
GKa. |
Gowda Kannada Dialect (of Sullia area) |
GM. |
Giite Mallige (by Mulki Narasimga Rao) |
Go. |
Gondi Language |
GT. |
Giiteda Tirlu (by Seetharama Alva) |
H. |
Hindi language |
h. |
Harijan dialect |
h1 |
Meera Dialect |
h2 |
Mansa dialect |
Ha. |
Havyaka dialect (of South Kanara) |
Hon./hon. |
Honorific |
id. |
idem (the same meaning) |
i.e. |
id est (that is) |
imp. |
imperative |
ind. |
indeclinable |
indp./ind.p. |
indeclinable participle |
inf. |
infinitive |
inst. |
instrumental |
inter. |
interrogative |
intj. |
interjection |
j. |
Jain dialect |
Ka. |
Kannada language |
KG. |
Kissanwar Glossary of Kannada words (by Ullal Narasinga Rao) |
Kan. |
Kaanige (by N.S. Kille) |
Ko. |
Kota language |
Kod. |
Kodava language |
Kol. |
Kolami Language |
Kon. |
Konda language |
KP. |
Tulu Kitnaraji Parasango (by B. Parameswarayya) |
Kui. |
Kui language |
Kur. |
Kurukh language |
Kuwi. |
Kuwi language |
Kv. |
Kaaveeri (Ed. Venkataraja Puninchattaaya) |
lat. |
lative |
lit. |
literary/literaly |
loc |
locative |
(M). |
Dictionary of Rev. Manner |
Ma. |
Malayalam language |
Mal. |
Malto Language |
Mar. |
Marathi language |
Masc./masc. |
Masculine |
med. |
medicinal |
MG. |
Maadirana Gaade (by Dumappa Master) |
MK. |
Mityanaaraayana Kate (by Polali Sheenappa Heggade). |
MKa. |
Modern Kannada Language |
MR. |
Mandaara Raamaayana (by Mandara Keshava Bhatta) |
(MS). |
Tulu English Dictionary (Ed. by Prof. M. Mariappa Bhat and Dr. A Shanker Kedilaya) |
N. |
Northen Dialects |
n. |
Noun |
Nb. |
North brahmin Dialect |
Nc. |
North Common Dialect |
Ncht. |
North common harijan tribal dialects |
Nchtj. |
North common harijan tribal jain dialect |
NE. |
North Eastern dialects |
neg. |
negative |
negp. |
negative participle |
neg pp/neg p.p. |
negative past participle |
Neu.neu. |
Neuter |
Nht. |
North harijan tribal dialects |
NK. |
Naiki language |
npr. |
momen propium (proper noun) |
num. |
numerical |
nvoc. |
noun vocative |
NW. |
North Western dialects |
NWc. |
North West common dialects |
NWcht. |
North west common harijan tribal dialects |
obl. |
oblique |
OKa. |
Old Kannada language |
ono. |
onomatopoeic |
ora. |
oracle |
ord. |
ordinal numeral |
p. |
participle |
Pa. |
Parji language |
pad. |
paaddana, Tulu folk literature |
part. |
particle |
Pe. |
Pengo language |
Per. |
Persian language |
Perm. |
phr. |
phrase |
pl. |
plural |
Port |
Portuguese language |
Poss. |
Possessive |
Postp. |
Postposition |
pp/p.p. |
past participle |
pr. |
present tense |
prep. |
preposition |
prn. |
pronoun |
prv. |
proverb |
pt. |
past tense |
PV. |
Pancavati Raamaayana Vaali Sugreevera Kaalago (by Sankayya Bhagavatha; Ed. T. Keshava Bhatta) |
q.v. |
qyode vide (which see with for partial similarity or relationship; also see) |
rem. |
remote |
rid. |
riddle |
r.o. |
rare occurance |
S. |
Southern dialects |
say. |
saying |
Sb. |
South brahmin dialect |
Sbc. |
South brahmin, common dialects |
SC. |
South Central dialects |
Sc. |
South Common dialect |
Scht. |
South common harijan tribal dialects |
Schtj. |
South common harijan tribal jain dialects |
SE. |
South East |
SEcht. |
South east common harijan tribal dialects |
sg. |
singular |
Sht. |
South harijan tribal dialects |
SK. |
Satii Kamale (by S. U. Paniyadi) |
Skt. |
Sanskrit language |
soc. |
sociative |
sub. |
subjunctive |
suf. |
suffix |
SW. |
South Western Dialects |
SWb. |
South West Brahmin dialect |
SWht. |
South West harijan trial dialects |
t. |
tribal dialect |
Ta. |
Tamil language |
TB. |
Tuluvaala Biliyeendre (Ed. N.A. Sheenappa Heggade) |
Te. |
Telugu language |
TK. |
Tulu Kanyoopadesa (by Subrahmanya Shastri) |
To. |
Toda langauge |
TV. |
Tulu Vyaakarana (by S. U. Paniyadi) |
Ur. |
Urdu language |
usu. |
usually |
va. |
verb active |
vc. |
verb causative |
viz. |
vedelicet (namely) |
vm. |
verb modal |
vn. |
verb neuter |
voc |
vocative |
vr. |
verb reflexive |
ಇ. |
ಇತ್ಯಾದಿ |
ಉ. |
ಉದಾಹರಣೆ |
ಉಪ. |
ಉಪಯೋಗ |
ಬ್ರಾ. |
ಬ್ರಾಹ್ಮಣ |
ಮು. |
ಮುಖ್ಯವಾಗಿ |
ಮೊ. |
ಮೊದಲಾದುವು |
ಸಾ. |
ಸಾಮಾನ್ಯವಾಗಿ |
/ |
free variation (within a dialect) |
& |
and |
&c |
and connected forms (as already mentioned above) |
I Per. |
First person |
II Per. |
Second Person |
III Per. |
Third Person |
[ ] |
( ) |
= |
equal to; same as |
< |
derived from |
> |
derived as |
+ |
plus; compounded |
(?) |
uncertain |
Key in a tulu word in English letters (i.e. transliterated tulu words) in the Search box. The Search word can be partial or full.
Examples: arista for ಅರಿಷ್ಟ;aru kadpuni for
ಅರು ಕಡ್ಪುನಿ
adigiitu for
addabeeru for
etc. More information on the transliterated English characters to be used are found in Help page.
Please note out of 6 volumes of Tulu Lexicon only 1 volume is uploaded now, i.e. the Tulu alphabets starting with letters ಅ u, ಆ uu, ಅ… a, ಆ aa, ಇ i and ಈ ii are available online. We are continously working to make the other volumes online, phase by phase and it is expected to take another 6 months to upload all the Tulu words. |